Before joining UMs Law School, White spent a decade at the Arizona State University Sandra Day OConnor College of Law. She is Miami Laws 11th dean.
In 2011, White was cited by University of Chicago Law Professor Brian Leiter as one of the countrys nine most transformative law deans.
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Send all items at least two weeks in advance to Friends and Neighbors, c/o Neighbors, 2000 NW 150th Ave., Suite 1105, Pembroke Pines, FL , x it to or email bea.. Pictures are accepted but cannot be reUM law school dean gets national recognitionturned.
UM law school dean gets national recognition, gives me great pleasure to congratulate Patricia D. White, Dean of the University of Miami School of Law, who aside from being named one of 2012s Most Influential People in Legal Education, was also named the Most Influential Woman in Legal Education in the United States. Now thats a big deal!
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As Congresswoman Frederica Wilson sat down Friday morning at the annual Martin Luther King Day breakst fundraiser for her 5000 Role Models of Excellence, she smiled and reflected on the programs two decades of success.
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According to the magazine, White and her colleagues, are influencing the ongoing debate about legal education at a time when applications to many law schools are trending downward and the landscape for legal careers is uncertain. In the article, White was called a passionate advocate for improving legal education.
Lori Brener, for whom the scholarship is named,cambridge adult learning center Cambridge Center for Adult Education. was a native-born Miamian and a graduate of Coral Park High School and the University of Florida. Although she started her career as an actress, Breners passion was to work behind the camera. She moved to Los Angeles and became a successful commercial, video, and film producer. She became involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters and volunteered at numerous events alongside hr mother, Miriam Salazar, a longtime Womens Committee member. When Brener died in 2009 at the age of 42, the committee decided to create a college scholarship fund in her name.
The former city commissioner filed to run in November for the seat. The district runs from Overtown up into Little Haiti and Liberty City.
The evening is co-chaired by Miriam Salazar and Sonia Gibson and will feature Ariels Live Band and a silent auction. Blake Burman, anchor/reporter for WSVN Channel 7 Fox, will serve as the Master of Ceremony.
The top-25 list of which White is in sixth place, includes a dozen law deans, 11 law professors, a legal education advocate and the entire culty of Washington and Lee University School of Law in the 10th spot.
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Mark your calendars for this event: The Womens Committee of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Miami will host An Evening of Love, cocktail party and casino night at 7 p.m. on Feb. 8, at the home of Irene Korge, former Womens Committee president. Proceeds from the event will benefit The Womens committee Lori Brener Scholarship Fund and Big Brothers Big sisters of Greater Miami.
It will be a moment to savor, a ground-breaker, in a peoples decades-long journey to become a part of this country.
The magazine had asked 350 people in legal education, including many law school deans, to rate legal educators and advocates based on how much he or she had influenced them in the preceding 12 months. The magazine announced the final 25 names in early December, but their ranking was released only last week.
According to the magazine the National Jurist, White was ranked by a poll of her peers. The results appear in the January 2013 issue of the magazine, which also features her on the cover alongside pictures of three of her colleagues who also made the list of the 25 Most Influential People in Legal Education in 2012.
When reached by phone White said, I am very pleased that attention is being given to the efforts of individuals and educational institutions to address the changing needs of the legal profession.
The magazine article mentions two of the groundbreaking programs White spearheaded since joining Miami Law School in 2009: LawWithoutWalls, which draws on the talents of students and culty from 18 academic institutions around the world to discover innovations in legal education and practice, and Legal Corps, a fellowship program that places Miami Law graduates in non-profit and public sector organizations nationwide and overseas. The magazine article said White also has increased the number of clinics at the law school, boosting the outreach work that students perform beyond the campus as a way of increasing the variety and depth of their skills.